By / San Diego Moving
Useful tips for relocating houseplants
Plants do much more than just add aesthetic appeal to our homes. True, they do brighten up a room quickly with their vivacious colors and fresh scent, but they have a much more important purpose than that – they are our main and only oxygen providers. Luckily, having a smooth relocation with houseplants doesn’t have to be difficult. Below are some tips for relocating houseplants and your botanical friends will stay as fresh and beautiful as ever.

Preparation Is Key
Surely, taking care of your plants as only you know how won’t be a difficult task. On the contrary, it should give you some pleasure while giving your houseplants the preparation that they need. Two to three weeks before your scheduled moving date, dedicate your free time to your green friends. Rid them of leaves and branches and be sure to give them a good prune. As your moving date starts approaching, the time you’ll have to spend on your houseplants will increase. In that final week, it will be up to you to clean your plants from dust and rid them of any pests. Oh yes, moving with plants is almost as difficult as moving with small children. Both of them have needs that must be met, which is why relocating houseplants is such a nightmare for some.
Repotting Your Plants
The last thing you want when moving is having to carry a bigger load than you absolutely have to. An average household is filled with heavy items, from beds to closets and everything in between. And all of these are items that need to be packed with care, otherwise, you risk more than just their safety – you risk your own wellbeing. Now tell us, how many times have you actually lifted the pots of your plants? If you have done it before, you probably already know that they can be heavier than they look. That’s not because of the plant itself, but because of the pot. So, when relocating with plants, you’ll first have to make sure all of your pots are plastic ones. Not only will that save you from sore muscles due to lifting, but it will also positively affect your moving costs. Either way, it’s a win-win situation.

Weather and Water Requirements
Your houseplants are not fans of the extremes. Neither temperatures that are too hot nor the ones that are too cold will agree with your botanical friends. Instead, it’s best if you keep them in a climate-controlled unit. Well, in reality, that is your only choice unless you want to see an unpleasant sight upon your arrival at the new location. Whether you are moving long distance or locally, whether you have hired movers or are having a DIY move, you should always transport your plants in your car. Here are some tips on how to have a pleasant car ride and keep your houseplants safe at the same time:
- If you make any stops at hotels/motels, bring out your plants.
- Don’t expose your houseplants to direct sunshine.
- Every once in a while, crack open a window. Unless it’s too cold outside.
If you are moving in extremely low temperatures, make sure to wrap your plants. Of course, you have to ensure you choose the right packing materials for this task, as your green friends are extremely fragile. Should they need to be wrapped, use newspaper or paper bags. Taking care of them is just like taking care of little babies, so make sure to do it properly.
How Much Water?
If you are moving in the summer, you have to supervise and water your plants on moving day. Also, keep them hydrated for as long as you travel. Remember, your job is only over once you get to your pre-designated location.
On the other hand, if you are going through a winter move, you’ll have to keep the soil dry. It will be enough to water your houseplants a few days before the move and leave it at that. Both seasons come packed with challenges of their own, and it might be best to pick the season of moderate temperatures – spring. But hey, that’s just a suggestion from San Diego Movers. The final decision is solely up to you.

Can you even relocate houseplants?
Unfortunately, there are instances when you won’t be able to. Some countries don’t allow certain species inside their borders, so it’s best to inquire about the law before moving to another state or country. Imagine going through all the trouble just to get to the customs and be asked to leave your plants behind. If you have species that are illegal in the country you are moving to, it’s best that you find a new home for your plants.